Although a stop at Bunratty Castle and Folk Park won’t put you off-the-beaten-path, a few things in the park are definitely worthy of “offbeat” status.
Inside J.J. Corry’s Pub, just above one of the doors, a headless Child of Prague statue stands over everyone who enters and leaves. How’d something like that miss inspection? Well, it’s supposed to be headless. According to Irish tradition, the Child of Prague brings good luck, but it’s when he’s missing his head he brings even more good fortune. This is especially important to brides, because he’s the go-to guy for bringing a wee bit of sunshine on your wedding day.
Other details you won’t want to miss:
- The Shannon Farmhouse, the first cottage moved here… it was originally right in the path of the main runway at Shannon Airport
- The stone cutters mark on the floor in the doorway of the Ardcroney Church – think of it like a craftsman signature
- The ice cream snacks in the Hazelbrook/Hughes Brothers House (they also serve ice cream snacks in the tea room in the park)
- The semi-pornographic sheela na gig carving near the window in the Great Hall of the castle – she’s supposed to offer fertility
- The Irish Wolf Hounds, they’re a hit with kids and adults
- The Piggery… because I just like the word “piggery”
- Bunratty Folk Park Website –
- Irish Wolfhounds at Bunratty
- Sheela na gig in Bunratty Castle
- The Shannon Farmhouse
- Stone Cutters Mark
- The Piggery
- The Child of Prague
- HB Ice Cream at Bunratty
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