Pet Cemetery: Mount Usher Gardens, Co Wicklow

by | May 22, 2012 | Animals, Graves, Hikes & Walks, Nature & Gardens, Scenic Spots, Wicklow

Wandering through the gardens at Mount Usher, I found the pet cemetery. Where Muffin and Fluffy can rest in peace in one of Ireland’s “Most Romantic” gardens.

Written by Liam Hughes

Liam Hughes

Liam splits his time between the US and County Tipperary, Ireland. In addition to providing private tours of Ireland, he spends much of his time hunting for broken dishes which he crafts into beautiful shard jewelry. Liam’s Tips | Website


Liam Hughes

Liam splits his time between the US and County Tipperary, Ireland. In addition to providing private tours of Ireland, he spends much of his time hunting for broken dishes which he crafts into beautiful shard jewelry. Liam's Tips | Website